Bailey Sarian, a renowned makeup artist and true crime storyteller, captivates millions with her unique blend of history, true crime, and makeup tutorials on her YouTube channel. Known for her series "Murder, Mystery & Makeup" and "Dark History," she has amassed over 7 million subscribers and numerous accolades, including the Best Podcast award at the 2021 Streamy Awards. Despite her widespread fame, her real name remains undisclosed.
How old is Bailey Sarian?
Bailey Sarian was born on November 26, 1988. As of 2024, she will be 36 years old.
Where is Bailey Sarian from?
Bailey Sarian hails from California, where she was born and raised. She attended Paloma Valley High School in Menifee, California, further cementing her roots in the state.
What kind of content does Bailey Sarian make?
Bailey Sarian's YouTube channel is a treasure trove of captivating content that blends true crime, history, and makeup tutorials. Here are some specific examples of the content she creates:
- Murder, Mystery & Makeup: In this popular series, Bailey discusses true crime stories while applying makeup. For instance, she delves into the chilling case of The Deadpool Killer, a clown who thought he could get away with murder and then escape from jail.
- Dark History: This series explores lesser-known historical events and figures. An example is her episode on The Dark History of Designer Babies, where she discusses the ethical implications of creating the "perfect" child.
- True Crime Stories: Bailey also covers notorious cases like that of Jeffrey Dahmer, providing an in-depth look into his disturbed mind and how he almost evaded capture.
What is Bailey Sarian's audience?
Bailey Sarian's target audience primarily consists of adults aged 18-45, with a significant portion being female. This demographic is drawn to her unique blend of true crime storytelling and makeup tutorials, which cater to interests in detailed criminal cases, historical events, and beauty techniques.
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