Hacksmith Industries, led by James Hobson, is a YouTube channel renowned for transforming fictional concepts from movies, video games, and comics into real, working prototypes. With over 15 million subscribers, the channel showcases engineering marvels like a functional electromagnetic Captain America shield and rockets designed to mimic Iron Man's flight capabilities. Hobson, a former engineer, uses his platform to inspire others to explore STEAM fields by demonstrating that science can bring imagination to life.
How old is Hacksmith Industries?
As of 2024, The Hacksmith, whose real name is James Hobson, will be 34 years old. He was born on February 10, 1990.
Where is Hacksmith Industries from?
Hacksmith Industries, led by James Hobson, is based in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. The company has grown from Hobson's passion for engineering and creating real-life prototypes of fictional technology.
What kind of content does Hacksmith Industries make?
Hacksmith Industries creates a wide range of innovative projects that bring fictional concepts to life. Here are some specific examples of their content:
- Real Life Lightsaber Development: The team has developed a 2500° lightsaber, showcasing their ability to turn iconic sci-fi weapons into reality.
- Thor's Hammer in Real Life: They built a functional version of Thor's hammer, incorporating a 300V capacitor to simulate the hammer's legendary power.
- Becoming WOLVERINE: Hacksmith Industries crafted real-life Wolverine claws, demonstrating their expertise in creating wearable tech inspired by popular characters.
For more exciting projects, visit their YouTube channel.
What is Hacksmith Industries's audience?
Hacksmith Industries' target audience primarily consists of teenagers to adults aged 13-45, who are fascinated by engineering, technology, and popular culture. The channel's content, which includes complex engineering projects and references to movies, video games, and comics, appeals to a global audience, particularly in English-speaking countries. While the demographic may lean towards males, it also attracts females interested in STEM fields and DIY projects.
Grow your audience with Beacons
Some of the biggest YouTubers, like PewDiePie and Lauren Riihimaki, are using Beacons to grow their channels and engage with their audience more effectively. With features like a fully customized link-in-bio, email marketing, and an online store, creators can maximize their online presence and income. Additionally, tools such as an auto-updating media kit and AI brand outreach make it easier to secure brand deals and manage their business efficiently.