Enabling visitors to support your content

Jesse Zhang
Chief Product officer
Creating content is tough work, which is why we've built the simplest way for fans to support you right from your Beacons page: the Support Form.

Creating content is tough work, which is why we've built the simplest way for fans to support you right from your Beacons page: the Support Form. All you need to do is

  1. Sign in and go to the Support Form section under the drop-down menu (or click here)
  2. Connect your Stripe account if you haven't already. Click here to read over how to setup your Stripe account.
  1. Customize your form with a description, the item you would like visitors to gift you (coffee's pretty standard), and how much each item costs

To save vertical space, you can also change your Support Form into a Support Button:

When visitors support you, it'll look something like this:

You keep 100% of the money after credit card fees.


  • Use the description section to talk about what the money's going to, for example some new equipment, a new project, or a fan-inspired challenge
  • You can also embed a YouTube video describing what the money is going to, and it'll let you add some more personality to your page 😎
  • Does it seem a bit weird that you need to ask supporters to buy you an item? This is because we had to be extra careful due to strict financial regulations

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